Repair The Motif XF Line Output

If you have a huge pulse sound then you turn off your motif or distorted signal to the main outputs. Check for DC voltage with voltmeter and an unconnected cable from Tip to Sleeve. If you found around 1,5 volts or 2,5 volts, your muting transistors are damaged and output is leaky.

Toshiba 2SC3326

The muting transistor is intended to prevent the popping of loudspeakers when power is applied. Obviously, the function of muting circuits is to mute (kill) the audio signal.

The muting transistor of Motif XF is the Toshiba 2SC3326.


I suspect that a regular disconnection of the jacks while my Motif was switched On or a phantom power + 48V sent by a sound mixer, had caused the failure. So Turn Off your Synthesizer when you want disconnect the output jacks, This can lead to overvoltages while making connections. And Use often a D.I box on stage to prevent a phantom power.


I disassembled my Motif , is brought the JA Circuit Board WU494900 to a friend Electronics Technician who after having ordered the transistors (sold by 10) realized the CMS desoldering/soldering.

Leaky Transistors are TR12 and TR11

My Motif works fine now : full dynamic, no pop up or cracked sound and no DC voltage on line output.

To enter on Test Mode : Turn on the power while simultaneously pressing the [REMOTE] and [ ] (REC) buttons until the “MOTIF XF” is displayed on the screen and release the buttons. You have 6 Test programs for output signal : 1000Hz at -12dB, -6db and 0db Left or Right.

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2 years ago

Hi, Does it also contribute to the PNA, PNB & PNC boards to be without power? When I checked the voltages on the L & R Main Outputs it’s around 1.2V. For me only the screen is “on”, all the buttons on the PNC, controls on the PNB and Volume controls on the PNA are all off. It happened to my Motif XF8

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe
3 years ago

My Yamaha motif xf6 a few buttons switching on their own… what could cause this, and how do I solve such a problem?

Anders Hellquist
Anders Hellquist
7 years ago

I had this exact problem on my XS7 but only on one side. The surface mounted components are a pain to work with but it is well worth it.

Nice pictures. There is a thread at motifator where I discussed the problem and what transistor typ matches what Motif model.

2 months ago
Reply to  Keyboard Waves

Mon motif xf vient d avoir deux notes D et Ab parfois sustain parfois ne répondes pas j aïs commander une carte de clef mk l mk c et mk h lors d un dernier test le clavier se met à sonner com neuf j aïs ouvert j aïs netoiyer un peut j aïs aussi rester tout étais OK mais après mise en forme j aïs fait ouvrir . Le secteur de prise et brancher le synthe ne fonctionne pas ece que une alimentation ou bien c est un instrument mort svp aider moi désolé j écrit mal anglais veuillez m eclairir

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