Rhoditzer Special Edition



This library consists of 80 new user voices, utilizing over 450Mo of new vintage electric keyboard samples. This library requires an optional flashboard installed on Motif XF.

Rhoditzer = Rhodes Mark II + Wurlitzer 200a
Rhodes Mark II & Wurlitzer 200a



Product Description

Electric Piano library sampled by Keyboard Waves


  • Format: ALL (.X3A)
  • Name: Rhoditzer.X3A
  • Size: 451.8 Mo
  • SDRAM OK: Library requires Flash Board
  • Voices: 80 User Voices,  32 Rhodes + 32 Wurlitzer + 16 Rhoditzer
  • Bank loads to: User Bank 4


Wurlitzer 200a



The Fender Rhodes Mark II is a Model of 1981 ans has the serial number 785144. The Wurlitzer Model 200a is 113559L. These 2 electric pianos are “in juice” and haven’t modifications. Only a tuning and tines settings have been made. These 2 vintage keyboards were sampled thru DI box and recorded with MOTU Ultralite Pre Amp Mic in 44Khz, 24bits. Each note was played at 8 to 11 different velocities (from ppp to fff). Then they were cut, looped and converted for Motif.


Fender Rhodes Mark II




A01 to B16 : 32 «RHODES MARK II» Voices

C01 to D16 : 32 «WURLITZER» 200a Voices

E01 to E16 : 16 «RHODITZER» Voices (a hybrid of two previous electric pianos. This sound is exclusively available in this collection.)


Extra Loop for a more natural sustain
New loops and longer waveforms for a more natural sustain.

These voices are not only a mix of the two collections “Rhodes Mark II” & “Wurlitzer 200a” by KeyboardWaves. All original samples were all « re-looped » and have a long natural sustain. All Waveforms are in 44,1Khz Now. Starting patchs were completely reworked to improve the similarity with the originals. Furthermore, against 8 voices, the collection has got 80 voices now. You can also play with the Rhoditzer a «hybrid» electric piano.


Motif Velocity Curve Utility
Motif Velocity Curve on “Hard”

Each voice was carefully edited to provide realism ever seen. The velocity (the key of realism) has been worked enormously. I recommend also to change the motif velocity curve to “hard” via the utility menu to approximate the same sensations as on older keyboards.

  • Each note has got a release sound («key off») on part4.
  • Sustain is extended.
  • High notes (from LA6) of Wurlitzer haven’t damper.



CONTROLLERS (for most voices)

Bass Boost Fender Rhodes
Fender Rhodes Bass Boost
  • Assign1 potentiometer recreates the old potentiometers FX : BASS BOOST for Rhodes & VIBRATO for Wurlitzer.
  • Assign2 potentiometer «boost» high frequency for clean bell sound.
  • Modulation Wheel (MW) send to Chorus FX.
  • Ribbon send to Reverb FX.


vibrato wurlitzer 200a
Wurlitzer 200a “Vibrato”







   001 (A01)

Rhodes Mark II

Mainpatch of Rhodes Mark II

   002 (A02)

Rhodes & Jazz Chorus

Rhodes through Roland JC 120 Jazz Chorus amplifier

   003 (A03)

Rhodes Flanger

Rhodes through smooth flanger pedal

   004 (A04)

Rhodes Tape Record

Rhodes detuned by analog tape flutter

   005 (A05)

Rhodes Disto Combo

Hard distortion from combo amplifier

   006 (A06)

Rhodes Babylon

Phaser and learned equalization : Stellly Dan knew to «ring» a Rhodes

   007 (A07)

Rhodes Keep Forget

Clean & Chorus sound from McDonald Hit or Warren G hit ?

   008 (A08)

Rhodes Just The Way

Tremolo & Phaser :  the «romantic» sound by Billy Joel

   009 (A09)

Rhodes & Fender Bass

Through the legendary Fender Bass Amp

   010 (A10)

Rhodes Input Mistake

Sorry, I plugged into the guitarist input !

   011 (A11)

Rhodes Auto Pan

Auto panoramic often used on Rhodes

   012 (A12)

Rhodes George Master

The slamming sound of the late George Duke in his album : «Master of the game»

   013 (A13)

Rhodes Living For

Autopan + Amplifier Simulation :  «The Wonder’s Sound» !

   014 (A14)

Rhodes Wish

Another Stevie’s hit with fat root sound

   015 (A15)

Rhodes Blaster

Discrete equalization in the low

   016 (A16)

Rhodes Phaser

Rhodes with a phaser space

   017 (B01)

Rhodes Rosalinda

Phaser + Reverb ,another sound by Billie Joel

   018 (B02)

Rhodes on Clean Amp

Another clean sound in a modern amplifier

   019 (B03)

Rhodes Chorus CE1

Simulation of the legendary Boss chorus pedal

   020 (B04)

Rhodes Chorus CE5

Another chorus pedal of the same manufacturer

   021 (B05)

Rhodes Vangelis

Tremolo + Chorus + Reverb: «Vangelis spirit» in the “blue monkey”

   022 (B06)

Rhodes Tap Delay

Rhodes in an old tape delay

   023 (B07)

Rhodes Do It Again

Treomolo + Clean Amplifier : another hit by Steely Dan 

   024 (B08)

Rhodes Can’t Go For

Chorus + light Delay: for legendary arpege by Hall & Oates

   025 (B09)

Rhodes Slice fX

Like a hard autopan

   026 (B10)

Rhodes Crunchy

Smooth crunchy overdrive

   027 (B11)

Rhodes Aural Exciter

through the Aphex Aural Exciter, it sounds very clear and «bell»

   028 (B12)

Rhodes Wah Wah

Auto Wah Wah Pedal FX

   029 (B13)

Rhodes Touch Wah

Wah-wah controled by key velocity

   030 (B14)

Rhodes In The Space

Phaser +Delay + Reverb, and Rhodes is in orbit

   031 (B15)

Rhodes On Italian HP

in an old rotten Italian amp

   032 (B16)

Rhodes Labounty

A clear and chorus sound for the classy Bill Labounty

   033 (C01)

Wurlitzer 200a

Mainpatch of Wurlitzer 200a

   034 (C02)

Wurlitzer Speakers

Internal speakers simulation

   035 (C03)

Wurlitzer BiPhase

Smooth Phaser by Mu-tron

   036 (C04)

Wurlitzer Tap Delay

Wurlitzer in an old tape delay

   037 (C05)

Wurlitzer What I Say

“Noisy” sound of the first «Wurlitzer’s hit»

   038 (C06)

Wurlitzer Stranger

Phaser and Chorus : first sound of the Supertramp’s Serie

   039 (C07)

Wurlitzer Dreamer

Big Reverb and very pure sound

   040 (C08)

Wurlitzer Relax

Cut the low frequencies

   041 (C09)

Wurlitzer Analog Tap

Wurlitzer detuned by analog tape flutter

   042 (C10)

Wurlitzer Raining

High EQ Boost + Chorus

   043 (C11)

Wurlitzer Bloody

Clear and accurate sound for one of the best intro

   044 (C12)

Wurlitzer Logical

Reduced bass, chorus and reverb for another big classic

   045 (C13)

Wurlitzer Parson P

Chorus et warm sound from «Eye in the Sky»

   046 (C14)

Wurlitzer Tremolo

Tremolo or Vibrato of original Wurlitzer effect

   047 (C15)

Wurlitzer Daft Fresh

Hard Disto + Reverb : Daft Punk loves the Wurli !

   048 (C16)

Wurlitzer Heaven

Warm Sound with Tremolo and Reverb

   049 (D01)

Wurlitzer Foreigner

Light Chorus + Amplifier : The primarily used by the Australian group

   050 (D02)

Wurlitzer Detune

Wurlitzer detuned by analog tape flutter

   051 (D03)

Wurlitzer Crunchy

Slight crunchy distortion

   052 (D04)

Wurlitzer Dead

Hard distortion : need a repairman ?

   053 (D05)

Wurlitzer Fuzzy

Fuzzy Distortion + Big Reverb

   054 (D06)

Wurlitzer Speaker B

Another simulation of its speakers

   055 (D07)

Wurlitzer Wah Karma

Wah Wah + Reverb = a very effect “Motown”

   056 (D08)

Wurlitzer Touch Wah

Wha Wha controled by key velocity

   057 (D09)

Wurlitzer Looper

Long Delay Feedback : Loop your «riffs»

   058 (D10)

Wurlitzer Hell

Ring modulator for «hells bells» sound

   059 (D11)

Wurlitzer Flanger

Smooth flanger

   060 (D12)

Wurlitzer to Leslie

Rotary Speaker commonly used with organs

   061 (D13)

Wurlitzer Elvis

Overdrive + Short Delay : back in the 60’s

   062 (D14)

Wurlitzer Phone Home

Disto + Filtering : Telephone FX

   063 (D15)

Wurlitzer Chorus SPX

Chorus SPX basic

   064 (D16)

Wurlitzer Far Away

Drowned in reverb

   065 (E01)

Rhoditzer MarK I

A unique hybrid that mixes characters

   066 (E02)

Rhoditzer Chorus

With Chorus

   067 (E03)

Rhoditzer On Mix

EQ worked + reverb

   068 (E04)

Rhoditzer Stereo Pan

Rhodes to the Left , Wurlitzer to the Right

   069 (E05)

Rhoditzer DetunedPan

Same thing but the keyboards are detuned each other

   070 (E06)

Rhoditzer Jack to HP

With an amplifier simulation

   071 (E07)

Rhoditzer Experiment

I do not know myself

   072 (E08)

Rhoditzer Oldies

In an old jukebox

   073 (E09)

Rhoditzer AutoPan

Auto Panoramic of Rhoditzer

   074 (E10)

Rhoditzer Ribbon Mix

Mixer with Ribbon to create a morphing effect. Wultizer to the left, Rhodes to the right !

   075 (E11)

Rhoditzer AssFun 1+2

No sound ??? This is normal: AF1 on = Rhodes,

AF2 on = Wurlitzer, AF1 + AF2 on = Rhoditzer

   076 (E12)

Rhoditzer Randomizer

Wave Randomizer between Rhodes & Wurli

   077 (E13)

Rhoditzer AutoPan 2

Another Auto Pan very inspiring and very dark

   078 (E14)

Rhoditzer Tremolo

Rhoditzer with the original tremolo of Wurli

   079 (E15)

Rhoditzer Bad Sample

Lo-Fi FX : Rhoditzer in a toy made in Japan

   080 (E16)

Rhoditzer Bye Bye

Lond Delay + Reverb : it’s time to say goodbye.

Many users of the MOTIF XS wrote me to convert the new samples of “Rhoditzer” Special Edition although some sounds would not have the GTR FX. Since the update 1.5 of MOTIF XF, the FX generator has the GTR FX which is not present in the MOTIF XS. So, some voices, produced with this effect, should not be totally restored.
This “converted” version for the Motif XS is above all, made to have the new “extended” samples.


The data and programming on Rhoditzer for the Motif XF are owned by Keyboard Waves.

When you purchase these sounds you are purchasing a license to use them in your music

productions as you see fit. Reselling, duplicating or uploading of Rhoditzer XF to any

Internet BBS is prohibited and illegal.

Copyright ©2015 Keyboard Waves

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6 years ago

Hi! Do I need a flash memory card to run this library in my Moxf? Thanks!

8 years ago

please please release these for kontakt!!!

7 years ago
Reply to  Keyboard Waves

Wonderfull sound … i’ve a korg kronos

8 years ago

Good evening.Can you please tell me is there any difference between Rhoditzer” Special Edition” and the simple rhodes mark 2 and Wurlitzer 200A in a clean samples whithout FX ? I need only clean samples.Is the samples in lybaris rhodes mark 2 and Wurlitzer 200A the same like in this video?
Thank you!

8 years ago

Hi –
The sound samples are incredible! Just wondering if the library will work (load) on my S90-XS?

Hong Gia
Hong Gia
9 years ago

Heard from demos played by Stef Piano on YouTube! The Yamaha Motif XF with these samples was used in the demos. Some demos compare the Rhoditzered Motif XF with the actual Rhodes/Wurlitzer and the Nord Stage. I wish KeyboardWaves could soon produce and release this version of samples for Korg Kronos and Korg Triton Extreme!

Anders Hellquist
Anders Hellquist
9 years ago

I just purchased the Special Edition for my Motf XS and this is really a great addition for me. I own a real Rhodes but I cannot justify bringing it to my gigs since the Motif with this bank gives me what I need.
Keep up the good work.

Ian Sweet
Ian Sweet
9 years ago

A fantastic upgrade to what was already two brilliant instruments. The Rhodes is substantially clearer than before and the presets created for both the Rhodes and the Wurlie are hugely improved. The Rhoditzer itself is also a great idea. Fantastic value.

9 years ago
Reply to  Ian Sweet

It’s fantastic! Best-ever sound samples wurli Rhodes and I played!
Thank you very much!

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